Monday, May 11, 2020

Blossoms and Beauty Abound

I had an exceptionally sweet time on the back patio yesterday, on Mother's Day.
Started the day with a latte and some cake topped with whipped cream & raspberries.
Puppies playing nearby and the bible open to nourish my soul.

Flowers and fragrance.  
My eyes awash with beauty and my spirit at rest.

When we first moved up here at the end of 2001, there were only apple trees and mostly sand surrounding the new house.

Dry and hot in the summer.
Dusty and needing some labour and love.

Rather impulsively I attended an auction one day when Ron was out of town and I bought so many tiny skinny trees, the little saplings all fitting easily into the back of a truck.
A promise of life and vitality.
Together Ron & I planned out where we'd like them to live and he kindly planted them into holes dug with his little tractor.
This was followed by grass seeds and irrigation...

And now, all these years later I live in a garden paradise.
An oasis!

The trees are massive beauties, 
Tall, strong and vibrant,
creating a whole new ecosystem alive with squirrels, nuts, birds and seeds.
Oakley, Guardian, the Three Amigo's, and Silverado just to name a few!  
Such fun to partner with God in the creation of a personal garden.

I feel so privileged and blessed.
Knowing it's very good for right now, and I don't have to try to hold on to this or worry about it ending.  

This Spring I've been overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to get the lawnmower working and finding someone to mow the lawn now that I'm living on my own with mom.
Also the irrigation system isn't working so the lawn isn't getting watered.

Those are the parts that remind me that this is not yet heaven and maybe one day it would be nice to be somewhere that doesn't require so much care.

This has been a place of refuge.

Especially right now in the season of blossoms!

Outrageous beauty.

My eyes are drinking it all in with so much pleasure, knowing that soon the blossoms will fall and another type of beauty will emerge.

It's been such fun to share this beautiful space.
Things are slowly opening up as far as people feeling safer to gather so I hosted a book club this week.  Stories needed to be shared and prayers were eagerly prayed!

And yesterday we had Esther and John over for a Mother's Day dinner.

So much  joy.
The puppies are a wonderful bit of lively action and Tante Hilda's resounding laugh filled the airwaves bringing in the angels, I'm sure! 
She thoroughly enjoys the snarling rivalry and excitement created when Winnie tries to get near Pupcake!

Ladybug wisely keeps her distance.

Everything is not always as I want it to be, but it is very good.
I have a Father I can trust and He fills my life with His goodness and mercy.

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