Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Tales & A Party

It's a snowy December and beauty abounds.

Every landscape is transformed and the fresh crisp air and crunching snow are calling back good memories of winter fun.

I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to go sledding, skiing and skating when my legs were still working so I have wonderful recollections of fun times surrounding this snowy season.

Vic & Marcia arrived for a family holiday and they stayed with Mom at Elsie's place so I could rest and get over a cold that was trying to settle in.
Such good timing!
I took a few days to lay low and beat the cold off in time to enjoy a wonderful evening of song and storytelling with Graham Ord and his collection of musicians.

The unique storytelling ability of Justyn Rees adds a whole new dimension to a story that has been told a million times and I was struck again by the beauty and wonder of the coming of God to earth through Jesus.

It was absolutely fabulous and a good time was had by all!

Since Vic and Marcia were helping Elsie with mom I was able to enjoy a Christmas Party that was put on for various leaders in our church community.

I felt so spoiled and loved on - it was a full on dinner with all sorts of fancy drinks and snacks.
We've never had anything like this as the church was quite small when I joined in and it got smaller and smaller through all sorts of staff changes.  However, we seem to be in a much healthier space right now and there is energy and there are more people to make things happen!

There were games and a gift exchange and it felt good and right to be with these dear ones who are in the trenches together - fighting the good fight but also taking time to be refreshed and to stay better connected.
I almost didn't go and the thing that really got me to jump out of bed and head out on the cold winter night was the offer of a delicious dinner!
And so it was.

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