Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September Sunsets

Loving the September ambience and sunshine followed by stellar sunsets!

Sometimes I'll take a different route home to experience some of the different views of the lake and valley.
This particular September night was pretty outstanding! 

Meanwhile, back at the homestead life is never dull!

Ladybug had a backyard salon treatment - quite a major trim to keep her cool and comfy, sleek and shapely!

She bounced back nicely from her surgery in July and 
has been having the time of her life with Anita.

Ladybug has spent many fun days going for long walks, heading to the beach, visiting Ollie in the rehab centre,  and going wherever Anita went. 

When I realized it was already September and I hadn't been to the beach yet, Mom and I joined Lisa and Anita for a little picnic at the park one evening.

Anita & Lisa took a dip in the lake before the sun set. 

Such an idyllic looking evening...Except that I was hot and uncomfortable and Mom wasn't doing great so the two of us struggled back to the car and headed back to familiarity and comfort. 

These gorgeous pictures don't always tell the whole story, but they're a nice backdrop for our journey with walkers and wheelchairs and all sorts of trials!  

Early in September Mom and I also took the opportunity to do an hour of camping at Bear Creek Park!

When I found out my friend Michelle was camping at her regular campsite I figured it was time to round out our summer experience.

Our time around the campfire was cut short by a wild storm that began as we were sipping our drinks and munching on snacks.
The wind whistling through the trees above our heads signalled the oncoming storm followed by loud thunderous outbursts and then rain. 
We got into the car just in time! 

So one hour was enough and we could tick camping off our summer "to-do" list! 

We sped alongside the lake through the storm happy once again  to reach our wonderful cozy home.

Hard to believe this beauty is home... this familiar view just outside the back door.
An ever changing landscape that captures my imagination and compiles me to take yet another picture.

Here are a couple more of the evening drive that I opened this post with!

Whether I am at the lakeside or up on my little homestead I am surrounded by breathtaking beauty and the love of my Creator.

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