Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Blue Sky Adventure

My friend Celia invited me to do a quick overnight trip to Vancouver with her so after getting mom settled in with Elsie, I happily jumped in her car and away we went.
I can't be too spontaneous when I'm taking care of mom, but the timing worked out so nicely this time and the weather couldn't have been better.

I am almost always the one doing the driving because of the wheelchair lift being on my car so it was such a treat to be able to just sit back and watch the scenery go by while munching on snacks. But Celia didn't mind lifting my wheelchair in and out of her car so I was happy to be a passenger for a change. 

Blue skies and fluffy clouds and a friend who loves to worship and pray as much as I do. 

Pretty ideal situation!

As you can see I was a little "snap happy" with my camera on the first half of the trip; the views are so stunning that it's hard to know when it's time to call it quits!  Somehow I didn't get any pictures of the majestic mountains though which is a little surprising.  

We found a little motel that was close to the meeting she had to attend and after that we headed down to Surrey to check out Patrice and her tiny home.
What a joy to see Patrice proudly standing in her little home, smiling broadly and excited about her new venture.
Her years at A Rocha have brought so many beautiful things into her life and seeing her able to take on such a complicated project while working with the interns is nothing short of miraculous!

Since we only had the one evening together we found a fun new restaurant nearby and enjoyed a leisurely delicious meal while we caught up on stories.

Sweet moments with precious people. 

God's mercy train keeps chugging through our lives!

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