Friday, December 30, 2016

Traditionally Untraditional

Christmas gatherings are so very precious.
Familiar hymns, muted lights, groupings of family gathered around candles and food.
The presence of God.
The privilege we have of knowing what this whole business down here on earth is all about and making intentional efforts to focus on that and celebrate the beauty together.

Esther's parents are here for the season and it has been so very special to spend time enjoying each other, but more importantly silencing the noise, closing our eyes and focusing on the King who came on a dark night so long ago.

We worship Him and pray prayers together,
pouring out the longings of our heart and agreeing as one for His Kingdom to Come and His will to be done...
Crying out together as our ancestors have done for hundreds of years as we await the return of our Emmanual.
When our cries will burst into a fantastic reality and we will see Him face to face.

Until then we continue to meet to encourage one another's hearts and to remind each other in the gathering that this journey is worth it.
Ancient ceremonies are reawoken and there is joy in the remembering and in the looking ahead. 
Hannukah Candles were lit with the appropriate scripture readings and a prayer.
We Mennonites are broadening our horizons and incorporating all sorts of new traditions!  

We were even treated to a magnificent feast at Tante Hilda's house one evening  and dear sweet Elsie was the chef extraordinaire.
Spaghetti with Mizithra Cheese was a hit and everyone left well fed and happy.
As the crowd ages, the "leaving" is slower and more cumbersome as we incorporate canes, wheelchairs and walkers when necessary, but we are still alive and breathing and grateful to have each other.

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