Thursday, January 5, 2017

Deep Freeze

Here's my confession.  
I have been unable to download pictures from my cell phone camera onto my laptop for some time now and that simple little blip has had a profound impact on my ability to blog. 
So tonight I "pushed a few buttons" as Patrice always instructs me to do and I got things moving and as a result I'm back in "blogland". 
Therefore, I once again have some catching up to do, but for now I'll just start with today and a few recent thoughts.

It's January and we have been plunged into a deep freeze making me feel like something is biting my face when I go outside.
It has been seriously cold, going down to -25 at night and up to -15 as I'm driving to school in the mornings. I know this is Canada and everything, but I have been relatively spoiled living here in the Okanagan so this is all a little shocking, .   
It slows me down to some extent, but this week I had to be brave as school is back in session and I want to be there for my kids.

A mom of one of my student's asked me if I had checked my "box" since coming back to school.  I had forgotten that I even had one so it was thrilling to find a little gift and card and a few outdated bulletins in there.  
I've LOVED being back with the kids and am so pleased with their progress.
I'm just so thrilled to be able to do what I do.

On my way home I decided to brave the cold and ice to get a few groceries and lo and behold, look who was there to greet me as I entered the store!  
Matthew is one of my super heroes. 
It's like having an angel in the supermarket when he's in there.
I love hearing his laugh and cheerful hello's as I'm making my way up and down the aisles filling up my basket. 
I also picked up a bunch of books on CD for mom from the library since I hadn't done that in a long time.

Here's a shot of me with a few of my friends...

We're a little frosty but still stylin'.  I'm the one with the lei on.
Hoping for warmer winters, or at least an escape hatch that lands me somewhere tropical. 
Maybe next year... 

For now I'll be brave and watch the days get longer as I wait for Spring.

Even though there's been lots of snow and major cold there's been lots of coziness and happiness happening inside. Lots of hot drinks too. 
 Vic and Marcia have been here this past week which is ALWAYS a treat.  We all just got back from watching a movie. I love my family enough to go out on a cold winter's night to see a great movie and eat popcorn with them!! I also have Anita staying here and now Lana has joined us before heading off to Czech.
January is off to a fabulous frozen start. 

And I 'm going to try to get back on track here with the story of my life. 
If I can just keep those pictures downloading I'll be in business.

1 comment:

Diwakar said...

Hello a Child of God ( Battle Maiden). I am a Pastor from Mumbai, iNDIA. Wishing you a blessed and a Christ centered New year.I am so glad to come across your profile on the blogger and the blog post on " Deep Freeze" which is your experience of going in to a freezing cold. Those beautiful pictues are also enjoyable. I am truly blessed and feel privileged and honored to know you as a Jesus Freak as well as get connected with you. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 37 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We also encourage young and tha adults from the west toc ome to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us during your vacation time. I am sure you will have alife changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friendfs. God willing I will be coming to Calgary, Canada where my son kves with his wife and sorks for Mustered Seed. I would love to stop by your place and meet young people with adults who are interested in missions.