Friday, October 21, 2016

Passing the Baton

God continues to show Himself faithful on our behalf.
This picture below is a testimony to His goodness and a celebration of His kindness in regards to the ongoing saga of "the apartment".
Here are the super stars that God has provided in the past two years to oversee the "gift" that we have been given.
My dear sister is a constant, beautiful support in my life. She took her turn at managing things, passing the baton to our "interim" managers and now we have some new faces and beautiful hearts to work with.

This issue has continued to keep us on our knees, in a good way and sometimes in a hard way.  What started out as a huge rescue last year in the management department came to a rather sudden and somewhat disconcerting stop. 
However, we are believing that the season, as short as it was, was for good and we are so very thankful for all of the updating that got done and that our tenants were looked after.  
God's ways are truly not our ways, but they are always good!!
Friendships were established and we parted with prayers of blessing.

Amazingly the Lord has once again provided for us in a kind and generous way.
We have a another beautiful couple who were willing to step into the management position with very little notice. 

They are real, genuine pastors and already there has been prayer in the laundry room with one of the tenants who has rather a rough and crazy past.
I'm trusting God that there will be a whole lot more of that in the future.

The challenges continue but we have a great God and I am once again thrilled to be doing teamwork with fellow believers. 

So grateful for prayer and for a family that is so encouraging, loving and united in the effort to use this blessing for our provision and for the furtherance of His Kingdom and Glory.
I have felt fragile and overwhelmed with the workload that has resulted with the very sudden changeover, but it's nothing that God can't handle so I put my trust in Him!
In fact, my brother is arriving soon to help with the switchover, computer work, meetings, prayer and all the other odds and sods that are part of being a landlord. He is our knight in shining armour and we couldn't be more grateful for a brother like him. 

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