Thursday, October 27, 2016

Autumn Afternoons

Colourful cool days.

Carpets of leaves cover the ground...

The parks stand silent and empty, puddles of water pooling in parking lots.

Clouds hang low threatening more rain and closing in the valley.

I took Mom and Tante Hilda out to admire the changing colours...

Ahhh, the glory of fall! 

Visited a nearby farm and laughed at the alpacas.
Tante Hilda found a bit of grass to tantalize them at close range. 

We stopped at a fruit stand and Tante Hilda popped out to buy some local pears while I admired the fading flowers...

Still so much beauty and it's almost November! 

Drinking it all in, with so much gratitude and delight. 

And of course, the view down the road from my home, sweet home. 

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