Friday, February 13, 2015


This day is one that stands out on the calendar for me,
whether I want it to or not.
But this year?
It's felt downright celebratory.
Like God and I are on some romantic retreat and He is lavishing big love on me.

Swirling around me is a love that is undeserved,
deeper than the deepest ocean and higher than the skies.
Encompassing, safe, bountiful, unsparing, rich and free!

This love,
so not dependent on me.

I am just swimming in oceans of grace.
Bathed in love.

Receiving, revelling, delighting, accepting, embracing
As if the heavens have opened and are pouring down a deluge of love

I stand with arms stretched wide,
face up-turned
Drinking it in.
Gulping, swallowing, becoming whole
Laughing, dancing,
DANCING on those long lost plans of my enemy to destroy my life.

Here I AM!
Swallowed up by life and living in the plans and certainty and safety of the

Friday the 13th has come full circle.
The dates have fallen on the same as they did those 28 years ago
But my God has bought back my life.
It's paid in full and has been returned to me.

Pressed down, pouring over and running down in rivers.

He's just that amazing and a whole lot more.

So I'm celebrating today.
Friday the 13th.
It's a day of life.
The tables have been turned.
My life is bound up in the life and body of Christ.
Forever and ever.

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