Thursday, June 19, 2014

Year End Sushi!

So, I went into school for the last day of classes to say goodbye and to have lunch with my department.  Such a beautiful bunch of people.  I have an amazingly supportive supervisor and she treats us all like royalty. We had sushi and talked about students and funding and how amazing our school community is.

They gave all of us in the Special Ed Department a book called "The Element" and I am only in chapter one but am feeling some stirrings inside about my destiny and passions and what happens when they collide.

I have to just honestly admit that it feels like something big was stolen away from me when I had THE ACCIDENT.

Up until that point everything my life had been gearing up for becoming a nurse and ultimately using that skill to bless others in missions.  I even threw in some Bible School for good measure to round out the spiritual part of the equation.  Or not - maybe I was really just more excited about the prospect of spending a winter in a castle in England.

Anyways following the accident, I was pretty consumed with just trying to stay alive initially and then trying to be a mom and wife from a wheelchair after that.   It was very consuming and exhausting so I didn't even try to hold onto my nurses registration for the future.  It all seemed so far away and impossible.

But before I knew it Patrice was in high school and my days were growing far too long and boring so I pursued training to help kids who struggle with reading.

Doing this has been hugely rewarding and I just love the interaction with kids.  I feel like I make a valuable contribution through my work, but sadly, I do get a little bit bored with the repetition and I have been growing increasingly restless.  This past winter stirred up some other things inside of me as well.

So as I was reading the first chapter just now, I set down the book asking God about my passions.  I have been praying about going to Israel for a prayer gathering in November and it's like I just felt in my spirit to GO FOR IT.  Those gatherings, when they were held in Canada, gave me so much life and I felt like I was truly a part of something so much bigger than myself.  Like I was somehow changing history along with this remnant of believers that dared to believe for God to move in our nation and across the world.

So, I'm just putting it out there.
I'm daring to believe for God to make a way for me - to make the impossible (or super difficult things) possible.  He can find me a great place to stay.  He can provide transportation and friends to help me.  And strength to get there so that I can do what I love to do more than anything else in life.

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