Friday, February 14, 2014


Yesterday was a hard day.
It was the anniversary date of the accident which is not usually a big deal, but I was sitting about 200 yards away from the accident site and was practicing for my mid term presentation and I felt pretty emotional.

Then my midterm presentation went quite badly.
I kept losing my place and getting stuck.
So frustrating.
My brain just felt fried.
The instructor looked like he was falling asleep and I was putting myself to sleep!!

Anyways, in the morning for our intercession time we were to ask the Lord for a word for someone in the class.  This little paper was given to me later and I wasn't sure who written it, but it really touched my heart.  Especially the scripture at the bottom.

"I see a dancing angel spinning around with great joy and excitement.
This is who you are - He delights in you and takes great pleasure in you.
You are the apple of His eye,
The joy of His heart,
His treasured possession and gift to the nations,
That they may see His hand in and through your life."

"Do not be afraid for you shall go to all to whom I shall send you and you shall SPEAK whatever I command you.
For I AM WITH you says THE LORD"
Jeremiah 1:5

Wow - such a powerful word.
I receive it and want to meditate upon it!

And in the evening 4 of the ladies in my class came down and prayed over me at the fountains.
Beautiful, healing, precious words.

There's quite a few words about me traveling and speaking to the nations around here but it's hard to imagine with the difficulty I have getting around, but they are also praying that God will make a way so I just offer myself up to Him for His divine purposes…

And today, the sweet young Brazilian guy Rafael who pushes me up and down the hill gave all the ladies in the class a rose.
And I have a white one…

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