Thursday, July 18, 2013

Casting my Bread upon the WAter...

I can hardly believe how kind God is...
He answers prayers that I don't exactly remember praying,
but things get done that I have been longing for and I just know that He's smiling a big pleased smile to give me some more of my heart's desires.

So, this Spring my very dear forever friend asked me if her son could have his wedding reception in my back yard.
OF COURSE HE CAN!!  (just a little embarrassed that I had said no to someone else just a few weeks before this, but, whatever....)
They are FAMILY!
I thought I was doing a kind deed by offering my patchy, weedy lawn with the incredible valley mountain view for them to use!
And I was, thanks to God's great goodness to me.

BUT the other day a whole team showed up in my yard and started working HARD.
Preparing the place for the upcoming wedding.

Before I knew it I had ordered bark mulch (which I have been wanting to do for ever so long) and it was delivered.
The weeds were all pulled and the bark mulch spread out making everything look incredibly clean and lovely and smelling of CEDAR.  AHHHHH!!
So amazing.

My patio was swept, bushes were pruned, the back forty was mowed, and plants that needed transplanting were transplanted.

It looks seriously amazing and my heart is so darn full of gratitude.

Queen Velma held vigil on the back patio.  She says we should have parties twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall so all my yardwork will get done!  Not a bad idea actually.

The night before was the bridal shower and here are some fun pictures of me all dressed up to celebrate.  My dear daughter in law was such a trooper to join in even though she harldy knew anyone.  By the time we left she too had fallen in love with my forever friend Dawn...

This was my attempt at dressing up for a masquerade party and I was pretty  pleased with my feather headband!  Poor Nicole looked like a wall eyed fish because the mask I gave her had holes that were small and very far apart. Like I say, she was a trooper to play along for my sake! 

Here's sweet Amber whom I've known since before she was born!! 

And you will notice that Patrice is missing from the shower photos due to a hair malfunction that caused a small melt down.  My good day kept getting better and better because Becca set her up with the best hair dresser she's ever had and her day and hair turned out AMAZING!

Oh, prior to the hair appointment, and after the yard cleanup, We all headed over to Daniel and Nicole's for a sweet dinner patio party!  

Here they are one day before their 2nd Wedding Anniversary!  Wow, how time doth fly...

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