Wednesday, January 23, 2013

icy and cold and incredibly beautiful

I can hardly believe I get to live here!

And this is what I've been up to in this cold and snowy new year. (besides staying tucked in my cozy little nest in this cute little yellow house with heat bags, hot drinks and my computer...)

And it hasn't been all sunshine - there's been lots and lots and lots of snow!

A belated Birthday celebration for Barb was just lovely.
I managed to get her a gift that she loved which made me insanely happy.
Really.  Because I'm not the best at finding "just the right gift" for people very often.

I took Oma, Tante Hilda, and Sara for a sunny scenic winter's drive and it was absolutely delightful.  We sang hymns, exclaimed over the rapturous beauty, laughed and ate a McDonald's picnic at the lakeside.  I wish i had a picture of that but unfortunately I left my camera at home.  The lake was gorgeous!!

Driving to school and other places has been crazy and wonderful and beautiful and sometimes scary.  Seriously snowy and cold this January.  I literally slid down a hill one morning on the way to church with the dear daughter, but thankfully I didn't hit any of the cars that were pulled over (or crashed) along the side of the road.

And soon we'll be having picnics at this very table, under the warm summer sun!

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