Thursday, August 16, 2012

Here is Good

Living in paradise.
I am - very aware of the beauty
the weather the friends the family
So much good happening and I'm documenting it
For posterity and such.

This Tuesday afternoon we packed a picnic lunch
Piled into two cars and zoomed
past vineyards, orchards, lakes
farms, cows and horses and pretty red barns
on winding country roads flanked by large trees
while that heavy afternoon sun bathed us in a golden glow

How can getting lost even matter when you are enjoying this kind of beauty?
It didn't and we weren't late
For the Caravan Farm Theatre.

Oh the great fun of watching live theatre
With family and friends and popcorn
Under the setting sun and soon the star dappled sky.
Such laughter out in the trees

Clydesdale Horses, Sunflowers, Funny Theatre.
Oh so good.

Tonight we gathered again - almost all of the family
A hot night on the beach
Lawn Chairs settled in the shade
Food piled on the table
Kids running in the sand
Lemonade, hot dogs, salad, cake.
Romping in the lake.

Live music!
Salsa, drums, violin, singing.
Dancing on the grass
Happy Oma clapping
Tante Hilda tapping toes
Becci and Nico swinging round.

The three fellows in the picture above were singing cuban music and it was just heavenly - felt like we were on an exotic holiday somewhere!
Ah glory.  His presence abounds.
I AM seeing the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Surely goodness and mercy ARE following me all the days of my life!

(a side note: I briefly flipped out in the MRI machine yesterday at the hospital and they had to suck my body out of the x-ray tube till I calmed down a bit....closest I've ever been to a panic attack, I believe.  But.  I am.  Alive and Well!)

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