Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farewell February!

This morning I drove and slid to school on an icy new snowfall.
Nervous about the truck approaching behind me, watching him fishtail as he rounded corners, Wondering if he would slide into me as I headed down the switchbacks.
Thankfully my angels kept him at bay and I managed to keep my car on the road.
Night temperatures have been dipping far below zero providing clear skies for stargazing and keeping the orchards and hills white.
The city was once again shrouded in clouds and by afternoon I could see heaps of snow pouring out of the sky.
Big wet snowflakes.

While taking the dogs out for their nightly ritual I found another layer fresh layer of snow covering the ground.
The air was crisp and cold.
I swept the snow onto the dirt beside the walk,
Eager to get moisture onto that bare ugly patch that holds the promise of beauty.
There are so many bulbs sleeping below!
I bid farewell to this month of cold and snow and sunshine and dreariness.

It is finished.
Farewell February...
March will bring Spring.

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