Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good Intentions

I feel almost dizzy with my own stupidity.
Ramifications teeter precariously...
Apologies abound.
The "aged wisdom" meter is running near empty and I am weary from trying
To do what is beyond my ability.

So I stumble and fall
At the shepherd's feet.
Needing grace.
Needing mercy and a fresh start.
Wondering if I will ever figure out how to wait.
As long as it takes. To move and speak slowly
And much more thoughtfully.
To go for counsel when I have the slightest signal that it would be good to do so.

Oh bruised head and heart.
Body weary from a near sleepless night
These spasms relentless, the thoughts needing submission.

So grateful for the scriptures that have been planted
To give comfort and eventually wisdom...
Heavy quivering sigh.
All will be most well.
Because He paid the price for it to be so
and He promises to bring good out of all things.
Even this mess.

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