Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fresh & New

Such nice numbers in this new year.
It feels crisp and fresh.
And it looks nice.

2011 was just a little skinny at the end with those two ones standing there together.
It was a pretty great year though...

Teaching amazing kids.
Two family weddings adding two beautiful people to our already wonderful family.
A house filled with young ladies to create life and community around me.
Great friends and so many opportunities to meet with them.
A trip to Ottawa to expand my horizons as I keep learning to keep teaching better and better.
Many wonderful hours spent enjoying the doggies, indoors and outdoors.
My girl at home for another season which is a bonus.
Trips to Vancouver with her to pursue health and balance.
Outings with Oma and Tante Hilda and some with my sister.
Treasures of such great worth and value.
Heaven speaks to me and breathes on me through these overcomers and lovers of Jesus.
Finding a new church to fellowship in and feeling so much more settled.

We rounded the corner from 2011 last night with such a fun party.
Ate a delicious meal of baked ham, salad and scalloped potatoes,
played telephone pictionary, visited, had a taste of iced wine
(one skinny bottle split between 10 or 11 people was about right)
And finished with a rousing round of Bingo with some great laughs and fun prizes.
The new year was brought in with all of us clinking our glasses of sparkling apple juice and pulling our poppers so that we could put on our crowns.

What a very fun bunch of friends, and even my beautiful daughter was home with us rather than out at the other parties she was invited to.
And my momma and dear sister came for lots of the evening too which was lovely.
I'm grateful.
Trusting God for new beginnings.

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