Thursday, December 22, 2011

So much Grace

Lately I've been overwhelmed by the kindness of God.
His grace...
Extended to me in multitudes of ways, over and over and over.
Sometimes I'm more aware of it than others.
It is simply overwhelming - hard to put other words to it.

It's like this; I'm driving in the car, looking out at the trees and sky and the colors and I just can hardly bear it. So much love inside of me for Him.
I start crying. Cause His Love is pouring all over me.

I am so undeserving. Such an unfinished, imperfect, flawed piece of work.
So aware of my weaknesses, my selfishness.
So I just tell Him how much I love Him.
Cause what else is there for me to do?

This grace is an amazing thing. Really and truly.
So beautiful is this Jesus who came, wrapped in flesh and all the trouble that brings.
For me. For everyone.

It's been a beautiful season.
Celebrating Christ mas.

Cards and Gifts.

All these little shadows of that great event when God's grace poured out of heaven.
The greatest gift.
The great dinner to come.
His Word. His endless kindnesses.
Causes me to weep with gratitude.

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