Monday, December 26, 2011

Joyful Joyful

Snow in the orchard outside my window
The trees are bare
The nights are long, the days are short

BUT GOD. Oh glory. He came!
So that we can celebrate.
Even when it's dark and cold out.
Even when it is not yet as we are hoping and praying.

He loves our faith. It pleases HIM!!

So, as we wait for His second glorious return we have so much reason to celebrate.
What was, what is and what is to come!

We had a wonderful, wonderful family gathering.

From two to eighty-six, all the generations were together.
Laughing, eating, teasing, sharing.

And Jesus came. He was in our midst.
If that's not a reason to celebrate I don't know what is!!

Laughter is good medicine and it was dispensed freely and generously!

The "nose pose" was a true bonding experience.

I'm so thankful for a family that laughs and forgives easily...

What a rich heritage I have!

So, with a full and thankful heart I prepare for another smaller gathering.
The kids and I will have our little gift exchange this afternoon.
And there are more parties to come!
I am in planning mode...

So happy that there is still a full week of holidays ahead.

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