Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Beauty December Fun

The Advent Season continues. With communion and candles and the sweet presence of Jesus.

I finally did Christmas baking on Saturday! I even ground some spices for the pfeffernusse with the mortar and pestal. Oh yeah. I am learning.

Below is the reindog that brings alot of joy and little treats to my students. You push the tail and "voila"... he produces.

Two amazing kids I get to work with. So Much Fun!! First time I've worked with two at one time and we have alot of good laughs as we struggle through the words and get VICTORY!

Across the street we have neighbors that sell Christmas trees! I went over there with my friend who chose THREE TREES! I enjoyed the fire and the hot chocolate and I caught a glimpse of a reindeer as we were hunting through the forest for just the right tree.

These are my actual neighbors. Who grow the trees. They are so authentically cool and very German.

I get to do dinner every second Tuesday with a group of amazing women. We celebrate life and each other regularly. The dinners are most wonderful as well.

This is Moose pretending to be a reindog. He actually enjoys the game. I know because he wags his tail and eagerly sticks his head into the hat.

And I was personally invited to a friend's book launch. A young man that is finding his way and leading others to the Source in the process. In a very relevant way. His talk was entitled "Live Like a Rockstar without the Cocaine' or something like that.

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