Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And now it's snowing...

The little birds have been eagerly gathering around the feeders outside our windows.
So sweet, their eager little eyes are keeping watch while their little beaks are busy.
A dove sat outside my bedroom window this morning, all fluffy on the cold lawn...
I was wondering what he was doing down there, looking up at me but not moving.
Unfortunately the birds are safe around the house due to the disappearance of both Siegfried and Fritz.
They went "on holiday" without leaving a note and haven't been back.
Hmmm. Kinda sad.

I went to superstore today to get a prescription and do some shopping.
I also needed some sinus medication because I'm fighting a cold that doesn't want to go away.
So happy to have a fresh supply of migraine pills!! A new variety that is only half the price of the last ones. There is so much to be thankful for in life!! Seriously. I am so happy that there is a pill out there that takes away that horrible pain.

When I came out of superstore there was snow pouring out of the sky.
The whole day had changed from grey fall to winter dark.
I drove carefully but still managed to slide out of control on one of the roads.
Then I drove even more carefully and slowly even though there were cars behind me.
It feels so different inside when it's snowy outside. Cozy, wintery. Tucked in.

I need to get my winter tires on. As soon as possible.
So I can keep teaching and going on my little outings.
To an upcoming book club meeting that I'm terribly excited about.
To a lunch date tomorrow.
To mom's to visit and bring her goodies.
To vote on Saturday.
And I can't remember the rest, but I just need those tires.

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