Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It's my last evening of 48.
Such a nice, sensible, even number.
I haven't minded it at all but I was not looking forward to 49 for several reasons.
Thankfully my housemate redeemed my upcoming age by telling me it is full of seven 7's!
So much perfection and completion by God's standard's so I'm looking forward.
By faith.
Which was encouraged and fanned into flame tonight through a sweet reunion with friends who had come over to share a dream that is becoming reality in their lives. In South Africa!!
Better than anything I could have even come up with for them!
God's ways are just like that.
Over and above.
And I was terribly excited to find out that it is quite accessible - hardly any stairs anywhere on the whole property. There are even monkeys.
This only served to increase my faith, and my excitement for them was bubbling up on the inside.
Which makes me happy.
I love learning to rejoice with others who are rejoicing even if it's not my season right now for seeing visions birthed or fulfilled.
So I will enter 49 looking for lots of 7's.
Thank you Jesus for every good and perfect gift that you have showered all over my life this past year and on the blessings continue to rain down on me.

Have your way in my life.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight
Oh Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.
You are my Shield and my very great Reward.
No doubt about it!

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