Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Very Good Friday

The beautiful daughter came home this week and we've been dealing with various issues that have been sitting rather heavily upon her this past season. It hasn't been easy but there is most definitely hope on the horizon.

Because there is always Hope.

And Faith. And Love.
I've needed those three rather desperately myself as we are grappling with issues that feel bigger than big.
But Good Friday puts things into perspective again.
A place where heaven met earth and death met life head on.
And that's why we have hope.

"Behold the Lamb Of God that takes away the sin of the world..."

Joey and Jesse had slept over and we started off the day with a wonderful breakfast together with Sara and Patrice.

French toast and pina colada smoothies were enjoyed and then the crowd disappeared into the back yard to work on the garden in the sunshine. In the afternoon we crawled onto my bed, closed the curtains and put on the movie to remember...
The greatest sacrifice.
We beheld the pain, the cost and the suffering as we watched The Passion of the Christ on Friday afternoon.

Tears flowed and the sacrifice was observed.
The blood still avails and we still apply it to our lives, our homes, our loved ones, our all.

Interestingly, we were invited to my nieces home for Lamb for Good Friday Dinner (it was a secret longing of mine that this should happen and God arranged it all so beautifully). God truly gives us the desires of our hearts and I longed for us all to be together on Good Friday but didn't have the energy to host three events in a row. It was such fun meeting all the loved ones outside and seeing the beauty of the generations interacting.

It was a sweet evening with family members arriving from out of town and all of us gathering with so much joy in our hearts.

Two engaged couples, three sweet children to liven up the crowd, the honored elders with the rest of us thrown in to complete "family". So rich, so beautiful, so full.

Easter eggs, paska with icing, decorations...

What a glorious reason we have to celebrate!! And we will continue to with another gathering tonight and Easter Sunday lunch tomorrow...

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