Thursday, August 5, 2010

Smokey August Warmth

The days have been smokey from all the wildfires creating a strange landscape that looks almost foreign at times. The red sun in the evening glows with intensity and the lake is often hidden from view in the haze. We've had some respite with the blue skies returning and the lovely warmth of the valley sending the tourists to the mall or to the lake.

I've had company this week - a friend of the son and his fiance have been a welcome diversion in our home. He's chatty like his mother and it's been delightful to sit over breakfast reminiscing over years gone by. The cute, likeable, energetic boy has turned into a handsome man, and most importantly a disciplined follower and lover of Jesus Christ. I am inspired by his diligent study of the Word, his pursuit of God and ability to mentor and disciple others even in the midst of a busy university schedule and honorable pursuit of a beautiful young woman who is to become his bride.

Meanwhile the son is pursuing his love with great intensity as well. Thankfully he still lives at home so I am able to connect with him early in the morning or late at night if I haven't arranged a gathering around a meal where he joins in.

We had a wonderful BBQ the other night since my dear brother is in town and it was once again a delight to eat and laugh and watch the children enjoying their cousins with wild abandon on the trampoline or out in the field. The girlies spent time creating artwork in the living room but were lured out by delicious desserts and a birthday song for my neice. The poor dear looked stricken for most of the evening as her husband was planning on quitting his job that very night thereby signaling the end of their time in Kelowna. This heartbreak was shared with all of us as we most definitely don't want this bunch to leave our community. Heavy Sigh.

BUT GOD!! Great and Glorious King. Redeemer, Friend and Loving Savior. He has a plan. And as hard as that theif and liar is trying to rob our joy we will believe in the kindness of our God. The evening ended with my mother, auntie, sister and I all joining hands in the kitchen and committing all of our worries and sadnesses to Jesus - asking again for salvations, healing and help for us in our various trials. We only see a very small part of the picture right now and are tempted to believe this is the end of happiness as we know it! Ah, weak little beings are we - but dust - but He reminds us to take our thoughts captive and proclaim His lifegiving Words into all of these situations. We will look back and wonder why we ever bothered to worry.

It's kind of funny, I'm sitting here typing this in the Mazda parking lot while having my oil changed and have somehow managed to get internet connection through the Honda dealership next door! I was going to spend this whole time reading my new chronological Bible but of course the lure of internet pulled me away from Joseph and his impending doom and ultimate redemption.

And isn't that just life in a capsule right there? What feels like impending doom, ultimately does turn into a grand story of redemption if we listen to the call of God, answer and obey with all of our hearts.

So Lord Jesus, in the midst of what feels like gloom and doom in this little piece of paradise I will keep on hanging on to you and your promises for abundant life. That you will put the lonely into families and watch over the fatherless and those without husbands.

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