Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Disjointed History

 I've been here in hospital just over two weeks now in a ward  that has a marvellous huge windows over-looking the sky and mountains and lake.  The days are pretty scrambled in my head because of all the meds I was getting but I'm getting less now. 

From my bleed on Tuesday the 4th followed by an ambulance ride and quick intake, there was a lot of action  (esophageal scope where I geeked out on feeling like I was pulled into a circle of green AI chairs moving in circles.  I came to gripping the bar on my bed loudly stating "I'm coming back to earth! followed by another loud proclamation "FORGET THE CYBORG REVOLUTION - IT''S ALL ABOUT THE JEUS REVOLUTION!!" That was one of those unfortunate circumstances I would prefer not be repeated.

Henry & Sue, Patrice & Anita were hanging with me all of that day except when I needed to be whisked off to another test.  In the CT Scan unfortunately they blew my vein because it has to be such a rapid push so I was BURNING in my arm and somehow right across my ribs.  

I don't know if they ever got a proper picture of that.  My veins just continue to collapse leaving me with a mess of bruises that area slowly disappearing.  

I was allowed ice chips following the scope and they were most exciting at that point in time.  

After that it was the popsicles and little bits of food. 

So very much legal stuff was accomplished in these 10 days or so since a "Speed Order" had been placed and pretty much everything got done.  Shares transferred, property transferred, money transferred, and wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles Ron and I are finally legally separated which allowed all of this to take place.
So I am grateful for Vic getting the ball rolling and helping the kids over all the hurdles and mazes and for the amazing work of the lawyers and our accountant.  

Daniel and Patrice stepped up and were running to and fro signing papers, making phone calls and getting legal stuff DONE at the speed of light (well a few things took a bit longer, like molasses concerning my personal bank) but we did it! 

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