Sunday, February 27, 2022

Vic's Vonderful Visit

The dreary days of February were brightened by dear Victor arriving with his big smile and cheerful serving ways.

He was able to visit mom almost every day and reported that she was doing well in the care-home and was quite content there.  That is an immense relief for me as I am still not able to visit her.  
He also brought her home for family meals a few times which was a delight. 

It's so nice to have cozy gatherings as we wait for the brighter, longer days of Spring. 
I must say though, Elsie and Marsha have plenty of diversions all year long as they are both very involved with their church group.  Marsha has just taken on the job of children's pastor there and Elsie often leads worship at her bible study group. 
It's been such a gift for all of us to have so many opportunities for worship and prayer since we are facing battles on many fronts as our country is seemingly being led by a wanna-be dictator.

For one of the meals I made a delicious Thai Curry Chicken Soup which was a big hit.
In my cooking world, there is a lot of repetition; crock pot meals, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti and nachos, but I finally got the right ingredients for the Thai soup that I had been longing to make and it was just as amazing as I was hoping. 

It's all in the secret sauce!! 

The bird feeder just outside the kitchen window has also been a most delightful diversion and dear Hannah has been so faithful to keep it filled. 

As you can see here, a large flicker was helping himself while the smaller birds kept their distance! 
So far I can recognize chickadees, junco's, red house finches and I think a song swallow as frequent fliers at the feeder. 
I more frequently see the flickers trying to bang holes into the maple tree outside my bedroom window, so this was an unusual sight. 

And speaking of Hannah - she is now the proud owner of a beautiful, new-to-her car that will help her get safely up to the ski hills and is also just big enough for her to sleep in if she does some road trekking.

She continues to be a great comfort and help to me.
God knew exactly what he was doing when he sent her my way.
We understand each other well and are able to debrief the weirdness of our present life and encourage each other through prayer and worship.
She is presently the children's pastor at her church and is taking her master's in counselling.


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