Saturday, May 4, 2019

Under the Riotous Skies

This is Chavah & Dare.
I had the privilege of hosting their wedding on the property, something that brings me an incredible amount of joy.

Chavah's parents, Ron & Glenda, have become good friends of mine in the last few years through our mutual burden for Iqaluit.  I've known them for a very long time though and have admired from a distance their commitment to the abandoned children in Ecuador where they ran a children's home for many years.  On top of their own children I think they have adopted four of the children that grew up in their home and they have gotten a few of them over to Kelowna where they are now based.
They are a beautiful couple and they love Jesus in a very hands on, practical way.
Their daughter Zoe is also an absolute delight.
I've gotten to know her mostly through our prayer nights where she has led worship at different times and where we cry out together for the lost and broken.
She is now a missionary in Iqaluit, often living with Anita when she is up there working with the kids and youth.
A sold out, on fire, lover of Jesus.

So, needless to say, when I heard that one of Ron and Glenda's daughter's was getting married I offered up the property for their use and it ended up being so much fun.

The day BEFORE the wedding was sunny and blue skied.  Always good to have a tent put up just in case, even though it is a big expense.
Not like I would know because we didn't have a tent for Daniel & Nicole's wedding, on which day it poured buckets.

Here is the lovely bride and her sister Naomi as they are getting ready for the wedding.

I  have the fun of seeing those special moments just before the big reveal...

I loved this picture of Chavah peeking out to see what was happening before she stepped out onto the patio! 

As you can see the weather wasn't quite as stellar as it was the day before, but it was still a lovely day and the wedding went off perfectly. There was lots of laughter when the ring bearer (Chavah's little nephew who was wearing a suit and dark glasses) came striding purposefully down the aisle carrying a black briefcase while the James Bond theme music played.
The briefcase was snapped open, the rings retrieved, and snapped shut again so that the little James Bond could make his exit.

The couple seemed to have lots of fun and the whole atmosphere was very relaxed.
Definitely one of the easiest weddings I have hosted!

Somehow I ended up being seated next to the parents of the bride right in front of the bridal table!
The hot meal was delicious and the speeches I heard were so much fun.

Unfortunately the evening got pretty cool so I went in early and listened to the music from the comfort and warmth of my cozy bedroom.
That is one of the nicest aspects of attending weddings in my own back yard.
My bathroom and bedroom are within easy range!

I snuck out to get a shot of the party going on under the crazy beautiful riotous skies.

I have a good feeling about this couple and their life together...

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