Friday, May 17, 2019

Magnanimous May Moments

There is something about Spring breaking forth into summer that makes my heart sing a very happy song. 

The earth warming and becoming green under magnanimous skies...

The assurance of abundance and the joyful knowledge that many, many, long warm summer days are ahead makes me want it to be May forever.

Sitting in an atmosphere of expectation and promise, drinking in the sunny rays and enjoying life outdoors.

Friends and food on the patio!

Baskets of flowers and tea time with Ladybug.

Ladybug has found a true comrade in Mom.
Little snacks find their way from the table into her mouth fairly frequently so I've pretty much given up on the many years of stringent "no table snacks for the dog"! 
Because Mom can't remember anyways and it makes Ladybug extremely happy.

Inside Daniel produces delicious loaves of sourdough bread when he's home from his hospital practicum.

And I get to spend time outside weeding while Mom looks on listening to music and repeatedly telling me how she loved spending time outside in the garden as well.  She mentions how Dad would say "why are you out there working" and how he couldn't figure out how that could be fun for her.
I totally understand why she loved to get her hands dirty to create beauty in her surroundings.
She always had beautiful flowers and healthy gardens where she could.

She sometimes asks me if I need help, but I shudder to think of her stepping down those stairs and crawling onto the bark mulch to weed with me so I tell her it's all good. 
I can imagine she misses those days of gardening as her body has weakened and so many things are now dangerous or impossible for her to do.
But we make the best of things and enjoy our time outside, together.

Apple trees are in blossom and the heady aroma of lilacs swirls around me as I move around the yard. I feel like a portal of heaven has opened up and rumours of glory drift down...

One evening when Oma was out Daniel and I ordered pizza from the neighbourhood pizzeria and we had such a lovely time looking out over the valley while we visited.

It's been over the top amazing to have my gentle, helpful, hardworking son here for so many weeks.
He often stays late at work and spends many evenings with his Kelowna friends, but I'm grateful for every moment I get with him.
God's mercies and something restored.

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