Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Look Who's 92

The Beautiful Matriarch turned 92 on this 30 day in the year of our Lord 2019.
Isn't she just something?
That winning smile and a personality that shines like a morning star!
I could go on and on about the hundreds of beautiful attributes that are a part of my precious mother.
Or I could just quote the love chapter from 1 Corinthians 13 and that would pretty much sum her up.
I've been blessed to have this woman in my life for all of my 57 years.

We started the day with a bang -  birthday cereal!
Probably the first time mom has had special cereal on her birthday but it just seemed fitting.
She really liked those "roasted flakes" and wanted a second helping.
I think we're onto something here!

After breakfast and a short rest we called in the troops to party!
Mom's dear friends came bearing gifts and much love to surround mom on her special day.
They are all so lovely and so very loving.

There was a Black Forest Strawberry Cake and croissants and cheeses to much on while stories were shared.

Such sweetness...

These women are all superstars in their own right.
I'm glad they were able to come to bless mom.

Pupcake was here too as Oma is one of his favourite humans.

It was a lovely day for a birthday, but not quite warm enough to eat outside so we had a little family party in the evening and Daniel was here to represent the younger generation.

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