Saturday, April 27, 2019


The numbers on my personal clock have flipped to fifty-seven!
Two of my favourite numbers slammed together to send me into orbit for another amazing year.

I'm pretty much living a dream... Daniel is STILL living here and he booked off the day to spend with me for my birthday.
I think mom booked the day off for me as well so I'm pretty blessed to have the company of these two favourite people.  Daniel made coffee and prepared an amazing breakfast which we thoroughly enjoyed.
It feels surreal to have these extended times of just being together. Sharing moments and not feeling the pressure of a fixed time that will end imminently...  I am so, so thankful to my Father.  

Mom's hair has gotten a little long and wild looking if it's not properly tended to so we took matters into our own hands and Daniel finished off the cut I began since he's got a better angle on things.  I'll have to provide an "after" picture, as she looked pretty chic if I don't say so myself! 

Daniel very kindly did a bunch of yard work for me on this very cold and blustery day... Ladybug was checking out his work and helping along as she was able.  I was relieved to finally get the little Christmas tree my neighbours gave me planted.
May it grow and prosper! 

The tulips were out, standing tall and strong and beautiful.
I just LOVE having an April birthday, even if it happens to be a blustery cold day.
The colours and fresh life make my heart sing a happy song.

And the card below came to me from my friend Anima...
The words inside were incredibly touching.
Another gift - finding a long lost friend and having her remember your birthday with beautiful words.

In the evening the Gagnon's & Lisa came over for an impromptu birthday dinner celebration!
Fun when things just happen to work out like that.... here I am surrounded by the three "young ones" in our bunch. 

I'm still young enough to get excited about colourful candles and chocolate so that's a very good sign! 
Here's to another amazing year of walking hand in hand with Jesus.

In HIM I live and move and have my being.

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