Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Summer Snippets

Ahhh these lazy, delightful days of summer...

Fresh fruit and veggies for smoothies & desserts to delight body and soul...

Visits with friends

and a lovely morning drive with mom,

that ended up with her getting a ride to emergency to check out a huge bump on her head.

Sadly, after I dropped her off, I watched her begin to wobble as she walked towards the building and the wobble turned into a full on fall.
Very unnerving to sit rooted to your chair as your mother teeters and totters and then falls down just a few feet away - and you can do absolutely nothing except watch with your mouth agape.
She got a massive bump on her head so they thought it was best to check her out at the hospital.  Elsie, who had just returned from Vancouver picked her up later and brought her home.
Thankfully there were no complications, but mom was left with a very tender spot on the back of her head.
Life with aging parents is an ongoing adventure!

This beautiful succulent planter that Barb gave me is thriving on the back patio.
I've turned it into a little memorial for dear Moose.

As usual, beauty abounds on the orchard.
This was the fiery sky following a big storm that blew through the valley.

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