Monday, July 16, 2018

Strutting His Stuff

Roosters are crowing in my backyard!
A pleasant reminder of the tiny farm out back and there are hopes of eggs arriving on the scene in the not too distant future, courtesy of the lovely brown hens.  

Speaking of eggs, look what I found in some bushes near the house!
I had been noticing a quail fluttering out in a panic when Ladybug would nose around the area so I went hunting and found the source.
I've been very careful to protect the area as well as I can and have only peeked in one other time to make sure they were still there.
I am beside myself with excitement at the thought of having a bunch of baby quail running through my yard.  

There is something so calming and soothing about having animals and birds in my immediate world.
Sometimes I pull up near the sheep pasture and stop my car, listening to them munching on the grass and bleating in the evening air.
Again and again I thank God for the privilege of living in this area and having regular access to so much beauty and peace. 

Also grateful for my close proximity to our little city and the possibility of coffee dates with friends!

Patrice, Leanne & I had a little rendezvous before Patrice drove back to the coast. We were thinking there was an awful lot of hair in this picture...
We sent it off to Joanna so she could know that she was in our thoughts.

Dawn was able to join me on the patio for a dinner & dessert.
We had a bit of a kafuffle trying to get her situated with her newly casted foot and the little scooter she is using to propel herself around with.
She just about fell and broke something else.
It's tricky when there is more than one disabled individual in the crowd...

This sweet crowd graced my patio as well on yet another beautiful July evening.
I've been making good use of the quiet house since my house-mates have been off doing ministry in the Philippines! 
I'm more motivated to have people over when I don't have to figure out schedules and kitchen space with four other people.
As with all living arrangements, there are pros and cons and one just needs to make the best of whatever is going on at the time.
When I'm in charge up here I try to get Ladybug out on an evening walk and it's just so lovely.
Crickets chirping, stars twinkling, and the moon smiling down at me.
 Ladybug, my constant friend and shadow, trotting along and sniffing the many important spots along the way.

Goodnight, beautiful world.

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