Sunday, March 29, 2015

Velcro Girl

My life is increasingly held together by velcro.
As my body's limitations increase, there is a need for me to be "held up" and "held together", quite literally, by braces and supports.  And these are held onto my body with velcro.

I'm glad I didn't see this day coming, as I would not have believed that my carefree, fast paced existence could ever have slowed to this extent and that I would have needed so many devices to hold me together!

Thankfully, there is grace for the moment and for the situation and every time I reach a new level of "need" I learn to adapt to the additional pieces that need to get strapped onto my body.  This is accompanied by initial frustration and some angst to be sure, but eventually I am filled with gratefulness that I am able to access and benefit from the help.

This is how I soldier on.
Grateful to God that "this is only temporary".
I rejoice exceedingly in the knowledge that one day, in the not too distant future, I will be able to shed this broken down body with all of it's helpful supportive devices (wheelchair, car lift, back support, hand splints, glasses...) and take flight with a brand new body.

It's gonna be out of this world amazing!
And until then I will gratefully pull myself together with velcro!

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