Friday, March 27, 2015

fond farewells

So another epoch in orchard life is coming to a close.
I wish I had better documented the comings and goings of community life up here. There have been a number of girls that have come and stayed for months, or years and I haven't even gotten pictures of the various combinations, but they are all in my heart and memory.

Tonight we celebrated Becca and this particular little family formation.
Precious times.
A rough beginning, but a sweet ending.

Becca has been such a gift to us up here.  She's been real and honest, she's been vulnerable and kind.  She has reached out and included us in her life and has allowed us to share in her journey.  Out of a season of darkness for her and into a season of much light and joy.

Her laughter and excitement when she returns from her road hockey, her love for the many friends in her life and her desire to live wisely.  Her passion for beauty, health, design and art.  Her love of nature and her desire for adventure.

In a few days she'll be off on some travel adventures that she's been longing to have for close to three years.

Our farewell evening evening looked something like this.

Lots of laughter, a delicious meal, some tears, gifts, loving words and of course a photo shoot in the orchard with the puppies.  We had strawberries and cream out on the patio on this incredibly beautiful spring evening followed by a game.

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