Saturday, December 14, 2013

just put God in charge

We had a sweet gathering of old friends here tonight.
Yesterday afternoon I texted my dear friend Dawn,
Thought it might be nice to get a few people together.
I didn't know how many would be available on 24 hour notice but my friend who has big faith just texted a prayer back, asking God to put things together if it was meant to be.  I texted Amen.

God arranged a perfect combination of friends on a winter's night
Gathering around a table of food, Christmas lights shining on the tree and around the windows and the advent wreath lit.
The grandkids came too - last year they were coming out of a place of trauma due to some crazy events they were going through.  This year they were settled and it was obvious that healing had taken place.
We coloured together and Sara came in and swept them into a world of fun and creativity.

It's a precious thing to gather around the One who drew us all together in the first place.
I'm grateful to God who cares about little details.
And important things like maintaining friendships.

Oh, and today another miracle took place.
A lovely Chiropracter/Masseuse came and gave me about a 2 hour treatment.
My neck and shoulder have been giving me lots of pain at night and I am full of contractors, but she works with God and together they are untangling this mess my body is in.

Oh, and speaking of miracles!!
Patrice was turned down for YWAM so we had to let go of that, trusting God and then "all of a sudden"….
There's an opening! References are in, her phone call interview done
And she's booked to come to Hawaii for the same three months I will be there.
God's great kindness.
So fun to plan and get excited with her.
It's doubling my pleasure and I feel such anticipation for both of us.
God's just really great that way.
Exponential goodness.
And delightful surprises!

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