Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I'm on the prairies.
BIG skies, WIND, wide open spaces
Outrageous beauty.

We roared down the long flat highway from Three Hills to Rosemary
miles of rolling hills and swaying grains...
Bruce Cockburn serenading us at high volume
"Going to the country....sunshine, shine on me"...

Privileged to do this trip with my dear daughter
and with dear Daniel and Nicole.
The wedding of a dear friend, held on the the beautiful ranch of the groom's family,
under a scorching prairie sun.
Best wedding address I've heard in my entire life.
Roll kuchen and Arboose
Surrounded by people I love.

And now in Rosemary at the home of a friend that is like family.
Celebrated her mom's 90th birthday with EVERYONE. 

Here I am with Tante Elsie - my "other mother".  She looks fabulous at 90!

These dear people who have known me my entire life,
and have loved me like their own.
So many memories...

New ones now made including my children.
Rich and sweet.
A gift from heaven.
laughter on the back patio, porch swings, a barbecue.
Breaking bread together,
Seeing the next generation.
Little people in the tree fort and toddlers underfoot.

This one, in this home, who is like a sister to me. 
Welcomes me like I am royalty and pours out love,
On me and mine and anyone else who comes near her sweet expansive heart.

She's been on the potter's wheel and has submitted
much like my own dear sister,
To years of unyielding pain, years of confusion,
Clouded perspective and adversity,
Allowing the Potter to throw her down,
again and again, molding, refining, firing.
Clinging fiercely to the One who was able to help.

I am humbled to be here and incredibly grateful.
For this gift of time.
For this perspective and privilege.
Of watching a life layed down.
Not her, but Christ.
He is large in this place, in this couple.

I want Him to be larger in me.
Jesus, hear my cry.
Strengthen me in this journey where I am tempted to complain.
Tempted to self pity.
Tired of how difficult it is on such a constant basis.

I want to look and sound like you.
Just the way these precious ones do...

The sweet spirit that has emerged is something heaven kissed.
Such gratitude,
A servants heart,
Such generosity,
Such kindness and easy laughter.

Broken and refined and more beautiful than words can express.
I'm humbled by this encounter and inspired.
Wanting to respond in this same way.
Simple pure gratitude for each day.
The privilege to serve and pour one's self out for others.

The Lord keeps putting these ones in my path.
Allowing me to rub shoulders with these kingly, queenly, saintly ones.
Whose lives have been refined by fierce hot fires.

The Knowledge of the Most Holy.
Propels me forward, creates a framework for these crazy days of good, hard,
wonderful and mysterious.

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