Monday, September 3, 2012

Sweet September

As much as I dread the coming of winter and cold, there is something very tantalizing about fall.
The evenings have come alive with cool breezes and the moon has been brilliant and beautiful, lighting up the clouds.
I'm still so grateful for hot days, clothes drying on the line,
my sweet flowers and the rich beauty that comes with this season of harvest.

The apples hang thick on the branches.
Grapes are ripening on the vines.
Tomatoes and corn, zucchinis galore!!
Not a season I'd want to miss even if I'm feeling the weather change.
Plus summer is still technically here for another few weeks and I don't have to start teaching till the end of the month so I will continue to seize the days and ENJOY!!

Have had some lovely evenings filled with food and friends and family and fun.

Yesterday my dear friend of many years invited a bunch of us moms and our grown daughters for a multi course Italian dinner and it was absolutely amazing!!

We sat up above the city, looking out over the gorgeous hills bathed in that incredible evening light.
I looked at those faces around the table that I have grown to love so passionately....
Women that I have laughed and cried with, their lovely daughters whom I have watched grow and play and learn along with my sweet girl.
Such precious history.

We laughed and talked and ate the evening away, realizing again that these moments are passing so quickly, they will soon be a memory, a snapshot in time.
Time marches relentlessly on and we are no longer the moms of young ones. One daughter will soon be on the East Coast continuing her education, one is pursuing possible flight school and my dear girl is balancing school and work.
All of them are incredibly beautiful inside and out.
So mature now, these girls just moments ago were sitting on our laps and suddenly they are multidimensional, intelligent, loving, creative, beautiful young women that have become our friends.
My circle broadens beautifully...

And tonight another marvelous milestone.
Mom and Dad celebrated their 62nd ANNIVERSARY and we had a glorious evening out on the patio - all the generations together from 3 to 86.  How fun is that?

Incredible blessings.
It is certainly something to celebrate and I am so grateful for their stable continuing love.  That safe place that launched me and continues to provide grounding.
My girl helped me to prepare a steak and salmon bbq with roast potatoes and her signature beet salad.  mmhmmm.

So September is off to a sweet start and I'm just going to embrace the fall in all its beauty.

I'll think about the MRI results another day and keep working on my shoulder exercises so I can roll triumphantly through another season!
So much to celebrate.
Every single day.

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