Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Way of Escape

I have been tempted to despair as of late.
My back has become so crooked and painful while I am sitting due to lack of muscle control that I am not able to stay up for long. I canceled a trip to Oregon because I couldn't imagine sitting in the car for the long drive and my impinged shoulder was causing me lots of grief.
Now both of my shoulders are in considerable pain due to?? changing posture?? new exercises?!
My left thumb somehow got badly sprained and my left elbow is intermittently giving out on me.

It's pathetic.  I'm trying to figure out how to do life right now with so many important parts not working.

Very slowly.
With lots of down time.
Lots and lots.
While taking notice of how incredibly wonderful my life really is.
Like my dear daughter laying on my bed with me, just being her.
We laugh about the dogs and chameleons and lots of other things.
That is beyond wonderful.  She is a very, very dear daughter & friend.

My son came up tonight with his sweet wife and brought me some earrings he has been working on for a long time.  Hours of carving and sanding and layers of staining to create these precious little walnut masterpieces that mean the world to me.
Because they were made for me by him.

Friends in my kitchen, gathered around my table.
Saturday night.
Sharing a meal and sharing life.

A visit to my auntie's with my mama and sister.
Singing hymns.
Talking about God.
Being thankful together.
God has surrounded me with a cloud of witnesses in the air and with strong warriors here on earth.

I have one powerful heritage.
God knew what I would need.

In allowing the suffering HE HAS MADE A WAY OF ESCAPE.
Escape from self pity and bitterness.
Escape from the plans of the enemy.
A way out of the darkness and into His glorious light.

"When we walk with the Lord
In the Light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way...'

Yes, He sheds glory on my way.

Through family.
Through friends who call and pray because God has laid me on their heart.
Through lovely surroundings that minister to my heart and soul.
Through amazing provision.  Daily bread.
Through dreams that I still carry in my heart, even though some of them seem to be getting smaller and harder to imagine.
With Him nothing is impossible.

So I go to bed with a full heart.
Living in this moment.

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