Monday, May 10, 2010

Loving the Warmth

Ah, the rollercoaster of life...
The ups, the downs, the inbetween coasting.
Rolling by faith and not by sight.
It's not getting easier, strangely enough.
But there is a rope that ties me to God
Anchoring me in the midst of uncertainty.
I'm grateful for this faith - gifted to me.
Faith first seen in my mother
and then in countless others
I have journeyed alongside.

A God that is bigger than... you name it!!
Able - more than able!!
A GOD who is LOVE.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The great and awesome mystery.
So...He knows firsthand what we must endure down here.
In this strange land where faith has not yet been made sight.

And we bring Him pleasure by clinging close
Smiling in the storm
Believing for a good ending!
Speaking out that which we do not yet see.

Mother's Day was full of good things!

Full of God gifts.
My children - treasures beyond compare.
Words will never express my love for their uniqueness
and my gratitude for their presence in this world.
They are somehow for this brief time attached to my heart -
whether nearby or far off.
I am amazed at the wonder of the relationship.
The joy of raising these precious ones from little wisps carrying the breath of God
Held in my belly and then in my arms
To beautiful, majestic, full grown adults able to live and search out that God on their own.
And to my absolute joy they are both pursuing Him.
My prayer will continue while I have breath that they will love Him more than anyone or anything else.

My mother, such a God gift to me and countless others.
That rock solid faith
The unconditional love that never stops
That laugh that bursts out and stirs up joy
Those humble beautiful faithful prayers that have changed the landscape of many lives for good.

I am forever grateful to Papa God for providing this sweet humble woman to shape my childhood
To give me deep roots into Jesus, the wellspring of life
And wings to fly by faith.

My family, such a delight
Father, Auntie, sister, kids...

Laughing and eating and sharing our lives.
Sharing the Big God who knit us together
In this particular pattern
For some particular reasons
For His good pleasure and our good growth.
To be conformed into the image of His Son
Becoming that pure spotless bride
Ready for the wedding feast,
To be presented and to celebrate the unity
He has longed for, prayed for, died for and lives for.
Every day brings us closer...
It's going to be marvelous!!!

So I lay here cuddled in with ladybug tonight.
Feeling her soft little breath on my arm.
Grateful for this God gift as well.

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