Monday, April 26, 2010


My last night of 47.
I don't much know what to think of birthdays.
Better not to have expectations but almost impossible not to!
So I'll give them to Jesus.
I want to be expectant in a good way about all of life.
Even if there have been dreadful disappointments.
Because God is full of surprises and good gifts.
In the midst of pain He is there.
In the midst of disappointment He is there.
And there is always, ALWAYS a silver lining, yes?
He is in the midst of me and I am in Christ.
Pretty good situation, situationally eh?
So it's important to remember that.
And that I am, somehow, seated in heavenly places...with Him.
That's pretty fantastic too.

So in the latter part of these 40's I'll try to remain expectant.
Even though I can't see alot right now.
It's been kinda dark and a little bleak as of late.
The enemy trying to press in and rob me again of my peace and joy.
I'd like my faith sparked again as it's been lagging a little.

So, I'll do what Jesus said to do.
Call forth that which is not yet as if it already were.
I'll praise God again for my daddy's salvation.
I'd really, really REALLY love that for a birthday gift!
And just yesterday I read the verse about
Asking and Receiving
Seeking and Finding
Knocking and getting Openings!

So there it is, my birthday request.
Along with a couple of others that I'm putting out there for Him.

Exceedingly and Abundantly
MORE than all we can even ask or imagine.

For my inheritance give me the lost!!
Still want that one too!!

Had a good last 47th day.
Took Mom shopping and she found lovely slippers.
She was delighted about them.
She chooses to point out good things and laugh.
In the midst of blindness and pain.

I found numerous doggy balls.
I was delighted by them!!
So were the doggies when we got home.
Patrice was outside with them when we arrived
Taking care of the yard and her little garden down the hill.

We did some planting.
It's only warm enough for brave little pansies.
And sweet pea seeds went in too.
Mom had some strong advice about my sage plants.
She desperately wanted those shaggy plants moved.
I like them, so they stayed.
Plus it would take a big man to move them.
And there's not one around.

Then we clipped Ladybug bald.
Except for her hairdo and ears.
She's naked and ever so cute.
Patrice kind of did something strange to her tail.
It's wispy and rattish.
Oh well.

Watched Beth Moore teaching revelation.
I'd like some revelation too.
With a big dose of wisdom on the side!!

Watched videos about Jesus healing people,
Showing up to Muslims
People who died and went to heaven.
Came back with a powerful message.

It's good news.
We're only here for a while.
Jesus, please make this next year worthwhile.
Please give me a vision and a hope.

8 is all about new beginnings!!
I'll start that chapter tomorrow!

(that's a little peek into 48)

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