Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Gift of Family

And the month of July ends on such a cheerful note! A sunshiney day, children laughing, the BBQ sending out delicious scents, flowers, apple trees loaded with growing fruit and family coming together up at the orchard to celebrate.

My neice turned 29 today (for the first and only time, she says!) and it was a most wonderful reason to gather the family to celebrate. Four generations laughing around the table, eating the finest of fare and enjoying simply the best life has to offer. From the youngest at two, to the eldest at 81. The richness of such a gathering is not lost on me. The gift of it all is most amazing. God's grace and beauty in each face. Such uniqueness, hand picked and placed together for this short journey.

Bound together with love. OH I am so blessed!!

Despite the changes that have occurred in this group over the past years, there is something so powerfully enduring about the family unit. The solidness of my parents. A gift beyond measure. Nothing perfect here, except that God is in our midst. He creates the ability for us to laugh and to celebrate. To sing a corporate song over the honored one of the day and to gather for family pictures under the apple tree. The dog posing with her beloved tribe and the endless pictures snapped as we tried to get the two youngest both looking in the same direction with their tongues INSIDE their mouths.

Fun on the trampoline... more pictures, more laughter. Eager hands cleaning the kitchen...a kiss of gratitude. Wrapped up leftovers and bundling the children, gifts and flowers and guests into the cars.

I am truly grateful. Thank you once again Jesus for giving me far, far more than I deserve.

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