Friday, June 15, 2007


"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

The words hang in the air as I ponder the implications of this question asked by my son. Does he really want to set aside an evening to be with me? I have missed him terribly since he's moved out. I've cried and I've tried to give him wings as gracefully as possible. I've seen him in passing and had scattered moments with him. One blessed afternoon he fell asleep beside me here after stopping in for something. Precious moments that I relished. A mother's heart is rarely satisfied when it comes to time spent with her children. Especially after they've grown and left home. A new experience for me. Again. There are so many of them in this life of change.

So I prepared salmon & salad and my children and I enjoyed a dinner together. Together. The word means more to me now that our family unit has changed and I am finding myself alone more often. Not really alone - I know my Jesus never leaves me, but I like it when He shows up with skin on!

Dinner was followed by laughter as I watched the kids dance to DDR and enjoy each other. Precious moments. Then some relaxed time on the couch just talking. Just talking about what's going on in his life now that it is no longer coinciding with mine on a regular basis. He's getting so grown up. More thoughtful. More mature. I'm so proud of him. I love my kids so much it actually hurts sometimes. I've taken so much for granted. So I want to say thank you to Jesus for these simple pleasures. I am rich. I am loved. I have family.

I am thankful.

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