Tuesday, June 19, 2007

sorting & simplifying

I spent the day going through a huge box of old correspondance. Hundreds and hundreds of letters and cards sent or given to me over the years. Whew!! I'm still not through sorting and disposing, but am almost there. Trying to figure out how to keep a remnant of memories without all the bulk. The many seasons of life represented...

birthdays...so many already!!!
postcards from far flung friends
romantic cards, letters and notes,
leading to shower, wedding and anniversary cards
congratulations on the birth of baby cards...leading to
"I love you mommy & daddy cards"

the many many notes and cards following "the accident"
messages of hope and prayers from countless people,
some I didn't even know, but they took the time to pray and write

what a legacy
one life, documented in a box full of messages from others
tangible evidence of love

Hard to believe I would throw it away, but where does one store all of this goodness?
In my heart. Hopefully my memory won't fail me and I'll keep enough to remember that I have been well loved through all the seasons.

there are no stacks of cards mourning the loss of the marriage...
but lots of support - written and unwritten.

May I support others and bless them in the way that i have been supported and blessed.

So I will continue to sort and simplify. I will take none if it with me, but it's still hard to part with sentimental things.
I'm far too much of a "keeper" and at the age of 45 the piles of stuff have grown uncomfortably large.

I feel drained & emotionally spent, but gratified to have worked through so much. I hope I stay on this track and keep working through other boxes that are sitting in the basement. I KNOW we weren't put here on this earth to accumulate all this stuff!

May I learn to live more simply.
Doing what Jesus said I should be doing: loving God and loving my neighbour.

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