Thursday, March 16, 2023

Clinging Tightly, Burning Brightly (well, sort of...)

Greetings Beloved Friends & Family,

My Mexican healing adventure is in full swing.  The first 24 hours after arrival were rough but Patrice & Celia (who is helping us to settle in here) have been endlessly helpful & oh so kind.The hands of Jesus ministering to me…  And I can’t thank you all enough for the words of encouragement and prayers and love.  I continue to feel like a tidal wave of love is carrying me along.  Sorry I haven’t been able to respond to each of your kind messages, but please know they really touch my heart. 

On Tuesday I had my first treatment. They put me under sedation to do the PEF ablation, biopsies, direct immunotherapy  & chemo injections into the tumour. (For those of you who have curious minds.)  The aftermath was pretty horrible.  I liken it to being in labour for hours with no breaks in between. 'Herbie the Hitchhiker’  (a.k.a. a pancreatic tumour)obviously fared even worse than I did! It wouldn’t be so bad except that I know this is only the first of 6 treatments so in the night I was seriously trying to figure out an escape plan, haha! I was in hospital for a little over 24 hours. 

I’m leaning into my Good Shepherd and would appreciate prayer for courage, physical strength and peace and that there would be no complications from the treatments.  Also, praying this thing would disappear SOONER than the 6 week plan. I just can’t even imagine going through that one more time, let alone 5!  

On a brighter note, we had a sweet little miracle concerning our accommodations.  We were looking for a cheaper place since I have to be here for several weeks of treatment. Patrice and Celia were researching and driving to so many places trying to find something that would actually be accessible for me. (Harder than you can imagine now that I am also dealing with the shoulder injury making transfers more difficult and the fact that it is Spring Break here.)  They finally found a place that worked but it cost significantly more than we originally wanted to pay.  The hotel staff were so kind and when they found out we were here for medical treatment they offered the hotel room to us at basically 1/2 price! Ahh, the kindness of God in the midst of adversity ❤️. We will be moving into that place today.  

New place - ocean view but set on a busy hwy.  no complaints here! 

Amazing buffet breakfast full of a variety of Mexican dishes that Patrice LOVED! 

And a pool! 

Today I am in a bit of a drug stupor from all of the interventions to beat the pain and nausea and spasms, but I just began singing the Graham Ord song that keeps going through my mind in these weeks…”The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all, He has compassion on all that He has made....” (Psalm 103)  He is carrying us all and our present circumstances all very temporary. The best is yet to come and I pray for the strength for all of us to keep clinging tightly and burning brightly.  Feels like my little wick has been flickering and weak but this story is not over!  God has a plan for each one of us and I pray that He will continue to be glorified in all of our lives, whether we feel weak or strong.  I’m overwhelmed by His love expressed through all of you in a multitude of ways.  He promises that He will use ALL things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28) so that is exceptionally good.  

Praying multitudes of blessings and the goodness of God to be poured out on all of you in your various circumstances, hard and good.

“… I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go…”
‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Much Love & Gratitude 

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