Sunday, January 30, 2022

Come Away with Me...

We are still the frozen South of the great white North...

And it has been a very snowy white winter. 
Beautiful but cold.

Perfect weather for sitting indoors with frothy hot drinks and catching up on important things.

                      A friend of Anita's came to stay with me for a few days.  She was "on assignment" from the Lord and felt that she was to bring this scarf to me and to spend time praying with me.  

The Lord said she was to visit the prophet, the intercessor and the worshiper.  So in her words, she came to "the paralyzed intercessor".  I was the second assignment. This picture doesn't accurately represent the colours and vibrancy of the scarf, but here on the card you can see it clearly and read the beautiful words that the artist wrote about it.

When I saw the scarf I was reminded of the song that the Lord dropped into my spirit and fingers back in 1996.  
"I will set your feet a dancing, dancing 
Oh my Love, we will run upon the hills.."
So many things in the picture resonate with me - the dancing bride, the Canada flag, the colourful flowers and even the beloved Moose.

And these words below are pure gold.
Truly, I am my Beloved's and He is Mine...

The scarf was a sacrificial gift,  given in obedience and I want to receive it with the respect and honour that such a gift deserves.

It speaks to me of that time when I was so passionately pursuing Jesus and I am receiving it from Him, the invitation that He is always extending, to all of us.

"Make yourself ready, fill your lamps with oil..."
Yes, yes, Lord. 

Kisa wanted to know more of my story and when she heard that my 35th anniversary since the accident was coming up she was immediately impressed to share Isaiah 35 with me which I have already quoted in my January 1st blog.  
There were all sorts of significant details (to her prophetic mind) in regards to times and dates and what was to come.
We spent time in worship and prayer and waiting...

She spoke often of us being "laid down lovers" and it reminded me of days gone by when my heart was truly smitten by the love of God and I was so much more intimate with Him, sensing His nearness and companionship in very tangible ways. 
I want to have Him come again like that.
To be a laid down lover, seeking Him above all else...

So I was encouraged that the Lord had indeed not forgotten me or any of the promises He made to me, or to any of us for that matter.
I began to dig up old journals and found things that He had spoken to me and my family that I had forgotten! 

"Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory!
    May streams of your refreshing flow over us
    until our dry hearts are drenched again.
 Those who sow their tears as seeds
    will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee.
 They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow,
    but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness
    as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!"
Psalm 126

This is my cry and my prayer and His promise to those who long for His coming.

So I've been challenged to stir up my faith.
To call forth again "that which is not yet as if it already were..." Romans 4:17 KJV 

There are so many of us that have put things on the back shelf, and have been not been pressing in for the promises as we once did.

Hope deferred has led to discouragement and perhaps doubt.

Thank God for sending someone to stir up the coals and fan the flames.


Our Sunday evening gatherings have continued and Anita joined us with her new little side-kick "Rosie" whom she adopted on Christmas Eve.
She had a feeling that her Dad wouldn't be around that much longer and she knew she needed a little somebody to love on and fill her time in that eventuality.
That day came on the 29th of this month.
She was trying to call me as he was passing,  but I was on the phone wishing Vic a happy birthday.
Strange how these things happen.
So dear sweet Ollie is finally free from his suffering and Anita is processing what life without him looks like.  

We were happy to have Anita and Rosie spend the evening with us.
It's good to have friends that feel like family and to have safe spaces to go as we adjust to our new normals.

I also had a fun visit that could possibly be unto something in the future.

Mark and Tiffany came by with their newest little addition, baby Alba.
Little Henry was moving so fast it seems I didn't get a picture of him!

They are interested in some sort of "community living" and I could potentially be a part of that.
More praying and consideration needed there, but it's nice to know I could be a part of something with such stellar folks!

There is always hope on the horizon and a silver lining on every cloud.
Beauty abounds in this amazing world of mine. 

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