Friday, December 31, 2021

Holiday Week & New Year's with Oma

Patrice and I have been tucked in cozily together this week following Christmas.

Heaps of snow blanketing our world.

So beautiful but involving lots of shovelling! 

It's frightfully cold outside and since Patrice has had a sniffle she opted to stay home instead of heading out to visit friends so that she doesn't pass anything on.

The dogs love having their humans so close and we let them out to romp and play in the snow at regular intervals.  

When Daniel was still here there were visits with the neighbour's daughter Kelsey and her hubby Stan who were staying there isolating with the virus while their family was up at the ski hill.  

Stan kindly plowed our driveway and their dog Balloo had great fun playing with Winnie and Willow! 

I took Daniel back to the airport on Tuesday so he could get back to work
and Patrice and I had lots of time to play games and relax. 

Winnie's boyfriend Bear came for a visit...

Politely stood at the door asking if Winnie could come out to play! 

She is pretty crazy about him and now he has a little side-kick called Cub who also loves to hang out in the yard waiting for the ladies to come out.

Since I wasn't isolating, I went to visit the Baker's for a fun Christmas luncheon.
I sure love this bunch of precious overcomers! 

I also got to attend a Christmas party at Celia's place. 

Always fun to connect with her sweet kids, one of whom managed to make it home for the holidays from Connecticut despite all the restrictions! 

And of course Celia's mom Ev, who still manages to look like a movie-star in her 80's!

Stopped in at Elsie's to drop something off on my way home and I got to see this vision of loveliness on the cold winter's night. 

There is something so magical about the still snowy nights and all the twinkly lights...

It was a fun outing and good to get back to my cozy small world.

For New Year's Eve Patrice went and picked mom up and we kept her here for the weekend!

She LOVED being with us, especially tucked in for movie night. 

That is Mom's New Year wish for everyone!
"all you people, I love you all the same..."
Pretty cute and all encompassing! 

Good night beautiful world and farewell the the old year... 

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