Saturday, July 31, 2021

Holy Roller Adventure

I've been on a hunt for a new car all year - hoping for something with all the safety features to help me stay alive and safe on the road as I get older with slower reaction time! 
I've tried out SO MANY models and most of them would have some sort of issue that didn't work well with the wheelchair situation.

There are so many variables that have to be "just right" including the height of the seat so the transfer in is as easy as possible as well as the size of the door and it needed to have a hatchback so I could easily get groceries etc. out of the trunk. 

 Daniel felt it would be good for me to get AWD and he suggested a Subaru.

After doing a bit of research, Patrice and I headed off to Penticton where they had a model that I was interested in.
We took Mom and Tante Hilda along for the outing and the day and scenery were just lovely.
We were still in the middle of a heat wave so the the weather was VERY HOT, but we had air conditioning so the 34 degree heat didn't affect us.

It was, however, too much for my lovely little car and the power would just dissipate and we would have to pull over  and rest before starting the car again to drive a bit further.

Mom was a little confused about the whole ordeal and was wanting to have her nap and Tante Hilda was praying up a storm every time the car would sputter out and die.
In hindsight, it wasn't the greatest idea to have a 94 and 90 year old along on this particular adventure, but we are family and this is the way we roll. 
Somehow we made it to the outskirts of Penticton where the dealership was and we parked under a nice shady tree to dispel some of the heat. 

I was happy to take advantage of my wonderful AA membership to get the car towed to a shop back in Kelowna so while we waited, Patrice and I tried out the Subaru we had come down to see giving us a nice taste of the zippy little powerhouse. 
Patrice loved the sports edition and we roared around town making sure it would live up to its reputation.  

Meanwhile Mom and Tante Hilda sat in the shade waiting for Elsie to come from Kelowna to rescue us.

This was obviously not ideal, but we are survivors and Tante Hilda sure knows how to make the best out of difficult situations.  She's had lots of experience and she knows how to choose joy. 
What a saint. 

Elsie is another saint who came to rescue us as quick as she could and we all crawled into her lovely air conditioned vehicle for the trip home. 

Having tried out the Subaru, I took the plunge and ordered a new model of the one we had tried out in Penticton.

The color options were very limited due to shortages during the pandemic, so I went with the white one and dubbed it Sir Lancelot, my Holy Roller!

I couldn't resist the fancy licence because it had Patrice's initials, some nice numbers AND a cross at the end!

Of course I had to look up a verse with those numbers and this is what I landed on.

"So awesome are you, O Yahweh, Lord God of Angel Armies!
    Where could we find anyone as glorious as you?
    Your faithfulness shines all around you!"

Psalm 89:8 TPT

Praying those Angel Armies will surround my Holy Roller and that the Lord's great faithfulness will continue to shine all around me this wonderful gift of a new car takes me into many adventures in the years to come. 


The complicated part is getting it all outfitted with hand controls and the wheelchair hoist so here I am posing in it  but unable to drive.

When Patrice went back to Surrey she took the car along since I had made an appointment down there to have the hand controls installed.

Thankfully I still have my little red car until all of the adaptations are complete.

So hard to believe this is actually happening.
Such a tremendous gift to be able to have a new set of wheels with all of the safety features! 

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