Saturday, January 20, 2018

Farewell Dear Old Boy

The day before Moose went on his final walk was a beautiful, warm, melty kind of blue skied day. 
The sun shone bright and I took the pups out for some fun with their new squeaky toy.

Despite Moose not eating anymore for quite a few days he still was always able to gather up his strength to go outside and enjoy the winter air. 

Norm and Lorabeth were heading out for a walk so they took Moose along.
They said he would stop and bump against their legs every now and then and look up at them, as if he was saying goodbye. 
He made it all the way to the T in the road and back again - about a kilometre.
Way to go Moosie - drink every last drop of goodness that life has to offer you!
What a beautiful lesson you have to teach us all.
No self pity - just resolve to get up and get outside one more time or catch that one last ball that is thrown!

The next morning after giving the puppies their morning snuggle and getting a few tail wags from Moose I let the pups out of my room.  Moose immediately went to the kitchen and flopped down on his other bed. 
He looked pretty rough and I wondered if this would be his last day but I had to go take Mom out so I headed into town.

As I was driving back up the long road to our hill I quoted the verse
 "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord".

While I was out the gal who is staying here let Moose out.  He stood outside and gave her a long look before he wandered off, never to return.  
I like to think he wandered straight off into heaven...

Everyone up here spread out and hunted everywhere for him, but to no avail.
We kept expecting him to wander back and were hoping to see him standing at the door waiting to be let in.
Throughout the day I repeatedly went to the various doors to check if his big brown eyes would be expectantly peering up at me.
They weren't.

There were lots of tears.
Hard to believe that familiar warm presence didn't come home and that he wasn't laying at the foot of my bed or in his kitchen bed anymore.
Big. Heavy. Sigh.
More tears.

The next morning I was greeting with a gorgeous sunrise.
The morning was still, the beauty so big.
It seemed a fitting farewell tribute to this beautiful season that we have shared here with the two pups that God gifted me almost 9 years ago.
I'm so grateful that we had so many weeks to say a lovely long goodbye.
So much time to snuggle and give love to our faithful, kind companion.

The mornings will be different now.
Just one lone Ladybug scampering out onto the snow to sniff the fresh air and do her morning business.

I'm grateful that I still have her.
It truly eases the pain and her presence is a comfort to me.

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