Thursday, November 2, 2017


Many years ago I recall having snow at the beginning of November and way back then I do believe I was excited about it.
Somehow early in my marriage it felt so magical to have my own home and to be thinking about Christmas and decorating and baking cookies...
However, many years later, when this snowfall began, I was hoping that it would just be a short passing weather event.
Quickly in and quickly out.
I haven't had my quota of lovely autumn weather yet.
It did look pretty as it settled gently on the leaves and grass outside my bedroom window though.

The next morning, however, we awoke to a shocking sight.
Fall had been overtaken by winter long before it was finished doing it's business!

Not just a little snowfall but a major dump of about 12 inches.
The neighbours came by to plow the driveway and we needed to be shovelling around the house so the pups could get to the "grass".

Truly gorgeous, but waaaaaay too early.

There are still so many leaves on the trees that need to fall and get raked up.

Felt like we were suddenly transported to the North Pole and I was definitely not in the mood!
Christmas is still a longs ways off...

Of course I am never willing to let a good photo opportunity pass me by so I was out there snapping happily away.
Snow is so transformative and it is fun to live in a country where we get to enjoy the variety and exceptional beauty that the four seasons bring.
Even when they overlap.

Not only was it really snowy, but the temperatures were what we might see in mid January.
Down to around -13

We had about a week of this unseasonable cold beauty and then, thankfully, the rain came and made it all go away.

It reminded me of the saying in the Bible where "the plowman overtakes the reaper".

There is something exceptionally pretty about snow during autumn because of the contrast of the white against the colours of the leaves.

Moose of course loved munching away on the snow.
He loves that fresh crunch and refreshment. 

And that is the story of our early November snowfall.

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