Sunday, July 9, 2017

Pretty Much Movie Stars

Having extra family members around making outings to the lake with everyone so much easier!
Vic cheerfully loads up the extra wheelchairs and we are off on an adventure.

With the wind in our hair and our sunglasses on we pretty much look like a bunch of movie stars.
If I don't say so myself. 

It appears I was the only one that didn't get the white hair memo.
Even Pupcake fit in with that fashion statement!

Such a gorgeous place.
So grateful to be able to take advantage of the lakefront and to get Mom out enjoying the fresh air and beauty.

It's a challenge physically to make these outings happen, but there is such joy in doing things together.
So we rally our forces and grab a hold of the fun that is there just waiting to happen.

Let God's rivers of living water flow through over and through us to enable us to keep on keeping on till we wake up on the other side!

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